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Embracing, understanding and supporting Neurodiversity in my child

Writer: Rachel VoraRachel Vora

Neurodiversity is a buzzword that has gained attention in recent years. But what exactly does it mean? Essentially, neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes that human brains have natural variations, like physical traits such as eye color or height. These variations include different ways of processing information, communicating, and socializing. Neurodivergence offers a way to acknowledge and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives these differences bring to the human collective.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity challenges the idea of a "normal" brain and is a framework for understanding human brain function. It is a social movement that celebrates diversity in human cognition and argues that some conditions classified as mental disorders are instead differences. Harvard Medical School defines neurodiversity as the "idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits." Essentially, disabilities are not necessarily pathological. The concept of neurodivergence stems from the autism rights movement, coined in the 1990s by a sociologist, Judy Singer. The movement's goal of social justice is to promote equality and inclusion for individuals with neurological conditions.

This movement is not without controversy. Advocates for neurodiversity argue that the traditional medical model undermines the autonomy and dignity of those with neurological variations. However, others, particularly parents of children with severe or low-functioning autism, raise concerns that neurodivergence marginalizes their children- and minimizes the severity of their needs, resulting in inadequate support systems.

Forms of Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a push away from the "medical model," which considers conditions like Autism or ADHD as disorders that should be prevented, treated, or cured to promote a higher quality of life. It encompasses a broad array of neurodevelopmental conditions and differences, including but not limited to:

1. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Individuals on the autism spectrum may experience differences in social communication, sensory perception, and behavior. Despite facing challenges in certain areas, many autistic individuals possess unique talents and perspectives that enrich society.

2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Those with ADHD often exhibit symptoms such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, and difficulty maintaining attention. However, their cognitive flexibility and creativity can be valuable assets in specific contexts.

3. Learning Disabilities (LDs): Learning disabilities encompass a range of conditions that affect a person's ability to acquire and apply specific skills. Dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia are examples of LDs, each presenting unique challenges and strengths.

Why Identify as Neurodiverse?

For some children and adults, identifying as neurodiverse can be empowering and affirming, especially if they're facing social or academic hurdles. Neurodiversity offers a way to understand their difficulties based on how their brains work. Recognizing one's neurodiversity fosters a sense of belonging within a community that celebrates diversity rather than stigmatizing differences. People can adopt a way of thinking about these differences that encourages self-acceptance and resilience, promoting mental well-being and positive self-esteem.

Responding to Your Child's Neurodiversity

As your child grows and develops, they will inevitably make choices different from what you envisioned for them. Discovering that your child identifies as neurodiverse may evoke emotions, including concern, confusion, or relief. It is essential to educate yourself about neurodivergence to better understand and help your child. Encouraging them to embrace their individuality can empower your child to navigate social and academic environments with confidence and resilience. Here are some tips for responding to your child:

1. Listen and Validate: Create a safe space for open dialogue where your child feels heard and understood. Acknowledge their feelings and experiences without judgment. Express gratitude that they feel safe talking with you about their thoughts and feelings.

2. Educate Yourself: Take the initiative to learn more about your child's neurodivergent traits and how they may impact their daily life. Understanding their needs and strengths will enable you to offer meaningful support. Part of this education is supporting your own emotional needs. Many support resources, such as Kindred, are available for parents in the UK.

3. Seek a Professional Evaluation: Getting an evaluation may be an excellent step to help your child identify the challenges they have been experiencing and offer potential solutions to their issues. Sometimes, being able to name the challenges they have been trying to cope with helps them know it was not them who was creating the difficulty. Instead, it was their brain.

4. Advocate for Resources: Work collaboratively with your child's school, therapist, and healthcare professionals to access appropriate accommodations and interventions that support your child's learning and development. Share resources with your child's school.

5. Celebrate Differences: Emphasize the value of diversity and individuality, highlighting your child's unique talents and contributions to the world. By accepting their identification with neurodivergence, you are communicating support. Encourage self-advocacy, helping your child learn to ask for what they need.

Embracing neurodiversity is not merely about tolerance; it's about recognizing every individual's inherent worth and dignity. It may be a part of your child's journey to make meaning in their life. We can create inclusive communities where all individuals can thrive by fostering a culture of acceptance, understanding, and support.



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